Overnight Blueberry Oats

I haven’t shared a recipe in a while and I am wanting to get back into the routine of  posting one every week or every other week.  I have a few lunch and dinner ideas so I thought it is time to share some breakfast ones.  I know the mornings can be very busy so any meal prep you can do a few days ahead can be a big help!  These overnight oats are delicious,  healthy and so easy to make on Sunday night for the week.  This one is from Grace White’s website. 

What you will need:

1/2 cup of rolled oats

1/2 cup of almond milk (you can also use whatever type of milk you prefer)

1/2 cup of vanilla greek yogurt

2 tsp chia seeds

1/2 tsp of vanilla extract

2 tsp of honey

1/4 cup of blueberries (will need a few extra for topping

  1.  Combine everything in a mason jar or air tight container
  2. Let it refrigerate for at least 6 hours (leaving it overnight will make it creamier)
  3. Serve!
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