My Sunday Routine: 5 things I do to prepare for the week



Do you get the Sunday Scaries?  You know, that feeling of impending doom that Monday is right around the corner.  Yes, they are real and according to a poll by Yahoo, 67% of people experience them.  I personally love Sundays.  I use this day as my prep for the week.  Planning and preparing on Sundays sets me up to have a productive week.  If you struggle with the gloom and doom on Sunday, maybe it’s time to give your routine a make over.  In this post I am going to go over the 5 things I do every Sunday in order to start my week off on the right foot.  Taking a few hours to out of your day to prep will have you feeing refreshed and ready for Monday.





I always wash the bed sheets on a Sunday.  There is something about climbing into a bed with fresh linens on Sunday night.  I strip the bed as soon as I wake up so I know that this chore will get done.  I also finish up any laundry that I didn’t get to during the week.  



I try to do some light housekeeping.  I usually deep clean every other Monday.  I use Sunday as the day to clean in the main living space.  This includes the living room and kitchen.  I will sweep the floors and vacuum the rugs.  I like to deep clean the sink and clean out the fridge from any leftovers/expired food from the week.  Wipe down counters, the stove, microwave etc.


Meal Prep

It takes me about an hour to plan all the meals for the week.  This includes all of my meals (breakfast, lunch, snacks).  If you want to learn more about how I meal plan I have a post about it here.  After the meals are planned, I check to see what I already have to prepare meals.  Then I write out my grocery list and head to the store.  If you need some ideas for meals,  I have several recipes to help get you started!


Look ahead at my week

I like to sit down with my planner and take a look at what is going on during the week.  Do I have meetings at work?  Are there any after work dinners?  Do I have any appointments?  This allows me to know what to expect each day and how to plan my week around these events.


Plan my weekly schedule

After seeing what is in store for the week, I will plan out my workouts.  If I have early morning meetings, I’ll plan workouts for the evening.  Any after work activities, I will be sure to plan my workout for in the morning.  This is the time I will also sign up for any workout classes I am wanting to take.  I will also take this time to plan out my content for my blog and social media.


There you have it!  Doing these 5 simple things every Sunday help me feel clear minded and ready to tackle the week.  I hope you found this helpful and maybe some inspiration for your Sunday routine.

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