Must Have Anti-Aging Cleansers

One of the questions I ask clients during a consultation is what kind of skincare routine do they have at home.  Most of the time the is answer is “I don’t really have one” or “I just use whatever I find at the drugstore.  If you are struggling to get on a good skincare routine, I recommend you read this post first.  I have my clients on a routine of washing their face morning and night.  There is a lot of conflicting opinions about this topic.  I have even read articles or watched videos of people recommending you only use water to wash your face.  I look at it like wouldn’t use just water to brush your teeth right?  Why would you only use water to cleanse your face?  It is so important to add this step into your daily routine as this will be your number one weapon in fighting the signs of aging.


How do cleansers work?  Let me start off by explaining how cell turnover works.  In our younger years, our skin cells turn over about every 28 days.  About the time we hit our early to late thirties this process starts to slow down to every 45 to 60 days.  This causes dead skin cells to build up on the surface.  Which in turn causes pores to become clogged and enlarged.  The dead skin cells will also build up in fine lines and wrinkles causing them to become more pronounced and appear deeper.  By adding in a good treatment cleanser (which is a cleanser containing a glycolic acid, salicylic acid or a combination of both), this will physically unglue the dead skin cells.  Which in turn will improve tone and smooth out the texture of the skin.  It will also help reduce pore size.

When to use a treatment cleanser?  If you read my post about three steps to glowing skin you already know I highly recommend a double cleanse at night.  I have my clients do a two step process at night.  Use a makeup remover first to take off any sunscreen, powder, foundation, mascara etc. Even if you don’t wear makeup I highly suggest still doing a double cleanse just to make sure you are washing away the day (oils, bacteria).  At night, I do not recommend using a treatment cleanser.  Your evening routine is where you need to be doing the bulk of your serums, retinols, moisturizers, etc.  Since you are doing all of your treatments at this time, there is not a big need for a treatment cleaner.  I suggest using something gentle like the Tula cleanser or cleansing complex from IS clinical.  In the morning is the time for your treatment cleanser.  This helps to remove build up of oil from overnight and prep the skin for your vitamin C serum and sunscreen.  My favorite treatment cleanser of all time is the Brightening Wash from Revision.  You have to build your way up to it but once you try it you will love it!

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing my nighttime anti-aging routine and why you must be using a vitamin C serum every day!



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  1. I have Yalls glytone cleanser I think???? Is that for morning or night? I also have yalls red bottle serum that smells like syrup hahahaha is that nighttime?

    Give me a list of morning routine and products


    A list of nighttime routine and products ❤️

    • Hey there! The glytone cleanser is very good. Use it in the morning and then something gentle in the evening. Not sure of the bottle that smells like syrup lol! I will come up with a specific skincare plan for you 🙂

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