How to Incorporate Exercise Into your Daily Routine

I haven’t written a fitness post in a while so I thought now would be a good time especially with summer just around the corner.  I know there are days when you just don’t feel like working out.  Trust me I have those days when I have to make myself do it.  I can tell you I ALWAYS feel better once I am done.  Even if it wasn’t the best effort, at least I did something.  The two things I always do that seems to help me stay on track is lay out my workout clothes and schedule my workouts.  I keep my clothes in a little spot right by the tub so they are the first things I see when I get up in the morning and when I get home from work.  Every Sunday when I meal plan I also write out my exercises in the side notes of my planner.  I write out which body part I am working on (i.e. Monday legs, Tuesday back and chest and so on).  I refer to my planner every morning when I am packing my food for the day, so it is very easy to glance at my workout schedule so I will now what I am doing.

Now that you have your workout clothes ready and your workouts scheduled, here are a few more tips to incorporate daily exercise into your routine.

Wake up 30 minutes earlier.  I promise you this is a game changer!  I have a blog post about my morning routine.  Getting up just 30 minutes early really makes all the difference in the world when it comes to sneaking in some exercise.  After I get our lunches packed, I change and head out into the garage for a little cardio session.  Usually between 20 and 25 minutes is all I do then I get ready for work.  Try it!  I promise you will not regret it.


Walk at lunch.  I just started doing this a few weeks ago and now I look forward to it!  A few co workers and I head out for a quick mile to mile and a half (depending on what is going on) and I love it!  It gets you out of the office for a few minutes and the fresh air is so invigorating.  If you only get a 30 minute break, maybe take your lunch with you and head out for a quick 10 minute walk.  Find a nice spot to relax for a few minutes and enjoy your lunch.  I have a couple of salads under the recipe tab so you won’t need a microwave.  Just remember to pack a fork and napkin!


Find something you like to do.  For me this is lifting weights.  I look forward to it.  I like the changes I see in my physique so I stick with it.  Try out a few different things.  Maybe take a yoga class, try a dance class, pilates or barre.  Most people are going to stick with workouts that they like doing instead of it feeling like a chore.

Doing things around the house.  If you are already going to be cleaning, why not make it fun and burn some calories.  Turn on your favorite tunes and have a dance party!  Try moving vigorously as you mop and vacuum. Mopping for 1 hour burns 193 calories! Instead of running the car thru the car wash, do it by hand.  You can burn up to 135 calories in just 30 minutes.  Working outside mowing the lawn and pulling weeds can add up to almost 500 calories burned.  Make the most of those chores.

Watching TV.  My biggest guilty pleasure is any of the Real Housewives on Bravo.  But just because you are camped out in front of the TV doesn’t mean you have to be sedentary.  Take a lap around the house during commercials.  You can also do sit ups, squats, leg lifts etc.  Keep a pair of dumbbells beside the couch and work on your biceps and triceps during breaks.  If you are watching a series on Netflix and there are no commercials, then pause the show about every fifteen minutes and do some type of movement.  You can get a whole workout completed during a one hour show!


I know we all get busy and have crazy schedules.  But, if we make some minor adjustments you can get some exercise in every day.  Make a plan with a friend to try yoga class or dance class.  Just remember anything is better than nothing!  Every workout doesn’t have to be an hour.  Try doing a 20 minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) or break it up over the day.  I like my cardio in the morning and then I lift in the evenings after work.  Try taking the stairs at work.  Or park further away from the office so you can get more steps in.  I hope y’all enjoyed this week’s post!  Comment below and let me know your favorite workouts!

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