How to Have a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

If you are like me, I feel like Memorial Day is the kickstart to summer.  The weather is getting warmer, travel plans are being made and we are trading in our sweaters for sandals!  For the last several years, my husband and I travel to Concord, North Carolina to attend the Coca Cola 600 Nascar race.  His family travels down from Ohio and we make a weekend of tailgating and having family time.  I know it can be hard to stay on track with diet and fitness goals around holiday time.  But just because it is a long weekend doesn’t mean it has to all be unhealthy.  So, why not start summer off on a healthy foot!


One of the easiest things you can do is plan ahead.  Think about the type of food that might be served at a gathering you are going to attend or think about some healthier food options you want to offer at your get together.  I will share some recipes at the end of this post that are on the “healthier” side.



Think about staying hydrated.  This is so important as we get into the hotter months.  Go ahead and get into the habit of drinking water this weekend.  Not only can you sip on water, you can also enjoy some watermelon and cucumbers.  These will also help you stay hydrated.


Look for drink alternatives.  Most mixed drinks have a lot of calories in them.  The reason why are the mixes used to make these drinks are usually loaded with sugar.  I love using sparkling water to make my cocktails.  I have recently discovered the Jordan Skinny Mixes and they are wonderful!  They have so many varieties.  They have only 5 calories and 2 grams of carbs.  This weekend I made a skinny margarita with 1 ½ ounces of tequila, 3 ounces of Topo Chico sparkling water and 2 ounces of the Jordan Margarita mix.  You can find them on Amazon.


Use moderation.  Everything in moderation right?  If you are going to have a few drinks at a party then maybe skip the dessert.  Or if you really want dessert, then think about sticking with lean protein and veggies throughout the day.  One cupcake is not going to undo all the good you have done during the week!


Get active.  Don’t just hang out at the food table and graze all day.  Calories can add up quickly doing this.  So, go play a round of cornhole or push the kids on the swings.  Maybe take a swim in the pool if you are at a pool party or the lake if you are at a picnic.  Staying active will burn calories so you can have that cupcake at the end of the night!


Here are some examples of a healthy menu that you can serve up at your Memorial Day get together.  Or if you are headed out to a potluck, these are sure to be a hit with any crowd!


Healthy Memorial Day Recipes



Chicken kebobs.  These are so easy to prep the night before.  I usually make these with onions, peppers and mushrooms.  Marinate them over night in a fat free Italian dressing (no one will ever know)!  Add a little garlic powder, salt and pepper and grill them up until the chicken is cooked.  Perfect and low carb.




Turkey burgers.  These are a great alternative to beef.  And if you get the 99% lean ground turkey that is even better.  You can make these so many different ways.  I love to add some fat free feta, chopped basil, chopped red onion and garlic to my burgers.  Make them up into patties and grill until done!  You can serve these with buns or make them super low carb and have romaine lettuce leaves to wrap them in.





Watermelon, feta and mint salad.  This salad is so tasty and refreshing.  Perfect for a Memorial Day party!  It is a great alternative to Cole slaw which can have a lot of fat due to the mayonnaise.  You can get this easy recipe here.



Pasta salad.  This is another recipe that you can really get creative with.  A great alternative to potato salad.  I make mine with cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, black olives and toss it with the Olive Garden Light dressing.  You could keep this completely vegetarian or you could toss in some cooked shrimp or cut up turkey kielbasa.




Grilled peaches.  These are so good on the grill!  The heat really brings out the sweetness of the peach.  After they cool, you can drizzle them with a little honey and vanilla Greek yogurt.  Try out this recipe here.


I hope you found this blog post helpful!  It’s not hard to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle.  I feel like the biggest part is planning and moderation.  Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

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