5 Ways to Increase Your Water Consumption

Your body must have water to survive.  Around 60 percent of the body is made up of water.  Staying hydrated has its benefits.  It is important for digestion and helps eliminate toxins from the body.  Toxins can build up and cause damage to the gut by causing irritation and inflammation.  Drinking more water increases energy and relieves fatigue.  It also promotes weight loss.  It will boost skin health and beauty.  Dehydrated skin can become vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkling.

There are varying opinions on how much water we should drink on a daily basis.  Most people are familiar with the rule of 6 to 8, 8 ounce glasses per day.  I have also heard the rule of half your body weight in ounces every day.  For example, if you weigh 120 pounds you should be drinking around 60 ounces per day.  This is how much I used to drink in the past.  Now, I drink between 100 and 120 ounces per day.  I know this sounds like a lot.  I usually fill a large cup (this one is my favorite) and carry it around and drink it with breakfast, lunch and dinner. It can be difficult to drink a bunch of water. There are ways you can sneak water in throughout the day to meet your goal.  Here are 5 things I do to increase my water consumption.


  1. BCAAs: These are branch-changed amnio acids. I drink these with every workout. Not only do they taste delicious, but they are a great way to help recover after exercising.  I mix a scoop of BCAAs with one cup of water.  You can find my favorite BCAA here.
  2. Sparkling Water: I love to sip on sparkling water.  In the evening, I will put it in a pretty wine glass and drink it with dinner.  I usually have a variety on hand.  Topo Chico, Waterloo, Bubly and Perrier are some of my faves!
  3. Add Fresh Fruit to your water: I keep a pitcher in the fridge with water and fresh fruit.  You will be surprised how much flavor this will add to your water!  My go to combination is a few slices of cucumber, sprigs of mint, oranges and lemons.  Sometimes I switch it up and I will add strawberries.
  4. Built boost: These are the best flavor packets!  While you are drinking water you may as well give it a boost!  Each packet is full of immunity boosters, vitamins and super plants.  I love adding these to my water on the weekends when I tend to forget to take my multi vitamin.
  5. Drink tea: In the evenings I love to brew a cup of hot tea.  If it is summer time I will add a couple of ice cubes.  In the fall and winter I drink seasonal teas like pumpkin rooibos (Trader Joe’s) and cranberry spice hibiscus (The Republic of Tea).  During the spring and summer I love chamomile and jade citrus mint (Teavana).
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