3 Tips to Fight Belly Fat Over Forty

This week I wanted to share a post that I know a lot of us struggle with…the battle with belly fat.  When I hit 40, lots of things started to change with my body.  I was no longer able to lose weight as quick as I did in my 20s and 30s.  I have an entire blog post about my lifestyle change and you can read about it here.  As we get older, it seems one of our biggest trouble spots storing fat is in the abdominal area.  I have even heard it called the menopausal muffin top.

I think a lot of times women in their 40s and beyond feel like we cannot be as fit as were when we were younger.  We may not be able to have our flat, rock hard abs like we did when we were 21 (to be honest, I have never had a true six pack…heck I’m lucky to have a 2 pack!)  but, there are a few things that we can do to help it look flatter.  Here are three tips that I have adapted in my 40s to help fight belly fat.


Lift weights. This is so very important as we start to age and go through menopause.  I started lifting weights in 2018 and I wish I would have started sooner.  Muscle burns more calories.  So, the more muscle have the more calories you will burn during your workout and throughout the day.  Do not let anyone make you think you cannot build muscle over the age of 40!  You can absolutely do it.  Now, I don’t get crazy and lift 100 pounds.  I have been working out from home since March 2020 so I am limited with how heavy I lift.  Lifting weights makes me use my core which in turn helps me build muscle in that area.  I also aim to perform abdominal circuits 2 to 3 times a week.  The workouts I am loving right now is with Caroline Girvan.  You can find her on You tube.



Eat Clean.  One of the main things I do on Sundays is plan all of my meals for the week.  If you need help getting started on how to meal plan, I have a blog post here.  I try to shop on the outside perimeter of the store.  That is where you will find all of the veggies, lean meats, fish and dairy.  I do incorporate a carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats at every meal.  I try to limit processed food as much as I can.  When you hear the saying abs are made in the kitchen, that is 100 percent true!!


Get enough sleep.  I love to sleep!  However, I do struggle with my sleep quality.  I have a hard time turning off at night.  I’m either thinking about work the next day or all of the things I need to get done. I am trying to get better about my nighttime routine.  If we are not getting enough sleep, this will increase our cortisol levels which in turn will cause us to develop belly fat.  I am trying to get better about turning my phone off by 9 each night.  I have learned reading a book before bed is helping me to relax.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog post!  Remember that any lifestyle change you make will be a marathon and not a sprint.  You may not see the changes immediately but, keep at it and all of your hard work will pay off!

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